Ergon's QL Utilities WEB page - Freeware programs

MasterBasic Open World DEA Intelligent disassembler Floppy Disk Utilities Back to QL Support WEB page

The following programs do not make use of the extended environment but they are full compatible with it. They run with any graphic resolution (QL, EGA, VGA, SVGA) and they are Minerva 2nd screen compatibles. They run happily on JM, JS, MGx, Minerva, SMSQ and SMSQ/E operating systems. Some of the programs have been updated in order to run with new GD2 modes (e.g. QPC2 65536 colours MODE 32)

MasterBasic NOW GD2 compatible - NEW April 2003

This is an useful development & debugging utility for the SuperBasic or SBasic programmer. Reference edit PROCedures, FuNctions, variables, keywords, combination of tokens (eg. "FOR i=1 TO"), strings... All the reference operations are done in an easy, comfortable and fast way: all the referenced lines are put in a QPac 2 style menu. MasterBasic can be also used with Minerva MultiBasics or SMSQ SBASICs. Reviewers said: "Elegant and useful" (Simon Goodwin QL World 4/93) "Easy to use and well thought out, even the more casual SuperBasic programmer should get a lot of use out of it" (Rich Mellor QL World 6/92). This is a full function freeware version. The manual is included (italian and english language) in Quill format.

The latest v1.51 version is GD2 compatible (16, 256 and 65536 colours - only MODE 32 has been tested though). SBASIC sources of MasterBasic are available upon a simple Email request.

Turbofix extensions updated thanks to George Gwilt investigations (v3.0d) - They are now fully Turbo compatible. You can also compile Turbo programs from SMSQ/E SBasics or Minerva Multibasics.

Download MasterBasic v1.51

DEA intelligent disassembler NOW GD2 compatible - NEW March 2003

This is a powerful intelligent disassembler. Commented assembly code (QDOS or SMS notation): Traps (QDOS, SMS, WMan, Ptr Gen...), System variables, Basic variables, Error keys. Automatic decoding even with very long files (usually no user intervention needed). Automatic Toolkit keyword extraction. All output codes are ready to be re-assembled (Hisoft, QMac, GST, Metacomco). Reviewers said: "DEA provides all the utilities any machine code programmer could ask for" (Rich Mellor QLW Vol 3 Issue 5) "It's really useful and there's nothing else like it... I'm sure DEA will appeal many of the tinkerers and custom computer enthusiasts in Quanta" (S.Goodwin Quanta Vol 11/5). Manuals are available in Quill format both in English and Italian language.

The latest v1.51 version is GD2 compatible (16, 256 and 65536 colours - only MODE 32 has been tested though)

Download DEA disassembler v5.30


Convert GIF, IFF, TIF images into QL 4, 8 colours or monochrome screens. All screen resolutions supported (VGA, SVGA...). Sources of the C converter are included and can be used/altered/improved for any purpose provided that an acknowledgement to Open World is written somewhere. Manual in Quill format both in English and Italian language.

Download Open World 2.24 full freeware version

Floppy Disk Utilities FREEWARE

Especially designed for the (Super) Gold Card user. This program fully supports DD, HD (1.44 Mb) and ED disks (3.2 Mb). Disk editor, single / multiple disk copier / formatter / verifier. It works also with a single disk drive. File recover, Search, Collect, Print sectors. You can also format disks with an extra 5% capacity (a bonus of 160 Kb with ED disks). If you have a 3.2 Mb or 1.44 Mb disk drive this program could be very useful (SMS2 + QVME compatible). The manual is included (italian and english language) in Quill format.

Download FDU v1.22 full freeware version

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